
  • 51,000+

    Total Alumni

  • 150+


  • 115+

    countries represented

Years spent at Emerson are life-changing and unforgettable for our alumni. Becoming an Emersonian means being a part of a widespread, supportive community and alumni network. We are here to promote institutional pride, help you find professional development opportunities, and facilitate lifelong connections with Emerson’s 51,000+ alumni.

Even after your days in the classroom are over, you will always have a place at Emerson.


Looking for ways to connect? Update your information, submit a class note, volunteer, look for professional development opportunities, find an alumni chapter, follow us on social media, and more.


Check out upcoming events for our alumni and for the larger Emerson community. You’ll find virtual panel discussions and workshops to local events to class reunions and everything in between.

Benefits and Resources

Take advantage of the perks available exclusively to Emerson alumni, including discounts on: ArtsEmerson productions, Professional Studies courses, and hotels in Boston and Los Angeles.

Requests and Services

Find out how to: request a copy of your diploma, transcript, thesis, or yearbook; nominate someone for an award; get in touch with an old classmate; find or post a job, and much more.